I programmed a lot in C++ when I was at UC Davis. After I graduated, I never did that... I usually programmed in C# and Java later on because they are much, much easier to program and debug.
I have to say, C++ is a relatively complex language, when to use const/ pointer/ reference / char*/ char[] ...? Template meta programming? GCC? Clang? Visual C++? C95? C11? Optimization level? how to handle Segmentation Fault (core dumped) when C++ does not have Java's e.printStackTrace()? Multi-threading library? The length of an int? Multi-inherent Diamond problem? Programming in Vim, VS Code, CLion, Eclipse or Visual Studio? Any GUI library? Garbage Collection? Weak ptr/ smart ptr? Makefile?..... My god, there are a tons of questions to concern when programming in C++.
I really, really wish that there is another high performance language with some kinds of garbage collection & auto header file generator that can replace c++... I am tired of writing code like #ifndef XXXX .... I know C# has all the features I need, but it seems that most interns I found is still looking for C++ developer instead of C# developer... (Is there a way or a compiler to convert C# code to C++ code, just like what typescript to javascript compiler did? That can definitely help.)

Maybe I should do some research about such compiler?